Tuesday, December 6, 2022: 10:00AM – 12:00 PM, PST
Room 8: Meeting ID: 863 0945 0398 Password: 515291
Link: https://uvic.zoom.us/j/86309450398?pwd=NVlZbkFGUkxJeXRVOENyRVpXZUNDdz09
Panel Discussion:
Talk 1: Utility-Scale Microgrids: From Theory To Practice
Speaker: Dr. Alexandre Nassif, LUMA Energy

Alexandre Nassif is the Manager of Technology Innovation at LUMA Energy. He has over 20 years of engineering experience in power system analysis, protection, DER integration, microgrids and stability, having authored over 100 articles in technical journals and conferences. Before LUMA Energy, Alex worked for ATCO in Alberta for 8 years and Hydro One in Ontario for 3 years. He is an active member of IEEE, serving as chair on several working groups and is an Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. He is the general chair of the 2023 IEEE PES ISGT-LA and of the 2024 PES GTD-LA. Alex holds a PhD from the University of Alberta.
Talk 2. Policies, Planning & Climate Change: Practical Studies in Western Canada
Speaker: Daniel Prowse, Manitoba Hydro

Daniel Prowse is a professional engineer with experience in nuclear reactor safety, hydro operation optimization, export power sales and transmission access. At Manitoba Hydro, Dan has been a design engineer, a project manager, an operations support engineer and manager of Export Power Marketing. Dan has been active in many aspects of the transition to the deregulated transmission and market environment and was a technical advisor for two major studies on decarbonization of the electricity sector in western Canada. He is the author of peer-reviewed papers on efficient power system frequency control and load following and a special report for a WWEA Wind Energy International yearbook on Combining Wind and Hydropower. Dan has provided consulting services in China, southern Africa, south-eastern Europe and Saudi Arabia. He received a professional engineers’ association Merit Award to recognize an “outstanding contribution to engineering in Manitoba” and he is a Fellow of Engineers Canada. Dan is currently on the team to prepare Manitoba Hydro’s first Integrated Resource Plan.
Talk 3. Planet Positive 2030 Initiative
Speaker: Dr. Maike Luiken, CARBOVATE Development Inc./Western University

Dr. Maike Luiken, Ph.D., Physics, is Chair, Planet Positive 2030, and is the 2022 IEEE Past Vice President, Member & Geographic Activities. She served as President of IEEE Canada, 2018-2019. She is, and has been for more than 15 years, a very strong supporter of sustainable development. She is a managing director, R&D, at a CARBOVATE Development Inc. and an Adjunct Research Professor at Western University, Canada. Previously, in Sarnia, Canada, she led the Bluewater Sustainability Initiative, 2006–2013, and was the founding Director of the Lambton Manufacturing Innovation Centre For eight years, she served as a Dean at Lambton College with various portfolios: School of Technology, Sustainable Development, Applied Research. Her strategic leadership in the development of the applied research & innovation capacity and portfolio led to Lambton College becoming one of the three top Research Colleges in Canada. Her areas of interest and expertise span diverse technical areas from ICT, energy, and water to advanced manufacturing. She has particular interest in how progress and deployment of various technologies contribute – or not – to achieving sustainable development. Maike has experience in the public and private sectors in Canada and has worked in the USA and Germany. Maike is a Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada.
Talk 4. Hydrogen Grid Storage
Speaker: Edward (Ed) Brost, Bowman Centre for Sustainable Energy

Ed is licensed professional engineer in Ontario and earned a M.Sc. in Environment and Management from Royal Roads University. Ed has over 35 years’ experience in the energy sector with Atomic Energy of Canada, Ontario Hydro, and Shell. He has provided eadership in environmental aspects of thermal and nuclear power plant operation, bitumen upgrading, petroleum refining, petrochemical production operations, environmental engineering, environmental management systems, GHG reduction strategies, energy efficiency plans, best practices, and sustainable development. Ed retired from Shell in 2009 and formed a consulting company to pursue his passion for sustainable energy technologies and sustainable use of energy. Major activity areas include, energy efficiency, GHG emission reductions including carbon capture and storage, low carbon intensity hydrogen developments, electrification of transport and alternative uses for bitumen other than as fuels, referred to as bitumen beyond combustion. Ed is Vice President of Innovation and Sustainable Development for Carbovate Development Corp., and volunteers his time as an Associate of the Bowman Centre for Sustainable Energy.